Saturday, January 26, 2013

Buenos Aires Final

Officially, I'm back in St Louis now and have started the new spring semester at Washington University. However, I am posting my final boards from the Buenos Aires studio.

These were my final presentation boards, which all in all went pretty well. My final project ended up being a school that included art studios and workshops and a community market where people in the neighborhood could sell their wares. I proposed this as a way for the villa to create an identity for themselves and to invite the rest of the city into their neighborhood.

We had an Urban Design professor who flew down from St Louis for the final reviews and he was a little harsh on everyone. I got most of my criticism from him because he didn't like the site I had chosen. It was all a little difficult and subjective because the entire semester we had been so restricted on visiting the site and getting a feel for the neighborhood.

Overall, the university was really pleased with our work and will hopefully be continuing the project and the relationship with the villa. This studio project was probably one of the most relevant and worthwhile that Wash U has done and I am so happy to have been a part of it. 

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